Music on the move 

Walkman, Crown, 1980s

In 1979 launched Sony the Walkman, a completely new idea. Now you could listen to music on the move. 

The transistor radio was already on the market and made it possible to listen to music outside, for example in a park. But the Walkman revolutionized people’s use of music by sending the sound through headphones. Now we could lose ourselves in music, even in the busiest places in the world.

Musik på farten 

Walkman, Crown, 1980’erne

I 1979 lancerede Sony walkman’en – det var en helt ny idé. Man kunne nu lytte til musik mens man var på farten. 

Transistorradioen var allerede på markedet og gjorde det muligt at lytte til musik udenfor, fx i en park. Men walkman’en revolutionerede menneskers brug af musik ved at sende lyden gennem høretelefoner. Nu kunne vi henføre os i musik, selv på de mest trafikerede steder i verden.