Pastime and entertainment

Slot machine, Aristocrat Nevada, 1960s

This slot machine comes from Silkeborg and is from the 1960s. The one-armed thief, as it is called in Denmark, came into the world in the mid 1880s. The winnings were typically beer, a cigar, a drink, etc. and were paid out by the waiter or bartender.

Many of the iconic symbols on the machine were introduced by Charles Fey in the early 1890s when he inserted a payout mechanic into the machine. Now it was no longer necessary to involve staff in paying out the winnings. This made it easier to keep the machine on hand, and one-armed thieves could now also be found in hairdressing salons and brothels. 

The slot machine is still going strong today. Every casino, as well as online casinos, has a slot machine section. The latest trend is that the machines are also complemented by built-in bonus rounds with small computer games where the player can win additional prizes.

Tidsfordriv og underholdning

Spilleautomat, Aristocrat Nevada, 1960’erne

Denne spilleautomat kommer fra Silkeborg og er fra 1960’erne.  Den enarmede tyveknægt, som den kaldes i Danmark, kom til verden i midten af 1880’erne. Gevinsterne var typisk øl, en cigar, en drink o.s.v og blev udbetalt af tjeneren eller bartenderen.

Mange af de ikoniske symboler på maskinen blev indført af Charles Fey i  starten af 1890’erne, da han indsatte en udbetalingsmekaniske i maskinen. Nu var det ikke længere nødvendigt at involvere personalet i udbetalingen af gevinsten. Det gjorde det nemmere at have spillemaskinen stående, og man kunne nu også finde enarmede tyveknægte i frisørsaloner og på bordeller. 

Spillemaskinen holder stadig ved i dag. Ethvert kasino såvel som onlinekasino har en afdeling med spillemaskiner. Den seneste trend er, at maskinerne også er suppleret med indbyggede bonusrunder med små computerspil, hvor spilleren kan vinde yderligere gevinster.